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Videos de Mascotas (Perros o Gatos) en PETSmania

Caniches Toy y Enano. En La Cadiera críamos pensando en tí cachorros con la mejor morfología y caracter que nacen en nuestra habitación y se crían en familia.

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30 year old Brit moggy might be the world´s OLDEST cat - Daily Mail

Possibly the oldest cat in the world has celebrated its 30th birthday with a party at a vets in Exeter, Devon. Rubble, who lives with owner Michele Heritage, was treated to some of his favourite cat food and a free check-up to mark the day. 'He's a lovely cat, although he has got a little grumpy in his old age,' said Michele, 50, who works at Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. She added that despite possibly now owning the world's oldest cat she had never wanted to go down the record route as she didn't want Rubble turning into a celebrity.

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